Today, nearly half of operators consider how a new takeout item will be packaged prior to launching a new product.
What is newsworthy about this finding today versus a decade ago is that we didn’t have Covid-19 in our sights and few saw the supply shortages we are still experiencing. Operators have historically high costs and struggle (even in the best of times) to keep up with labor, food, real estate, franchisee and government-related costs. So to now see that packaging remains a key ingredient in the product development process is a major milestone.
With a recession potentially in the works based on weak economic data, the foodservice industry must always pivot ahead of a downturn. Foodservice is one of the leading indicators of a recession. Economists will often cite the decline in away-from-home traffic and sales as the precursor to a recession.
Before we get to operator cost-cutting measures, however, it’s important to caveat the discussion with the fact that today, quality packaging is the most important attribute to both consumers and operators. In fact product quality and availability of the “right” packaging surpass price. Other factors are shown in the table.
The Top Five Selection Criteria for Foodservice Packaging
Attribute (in order of importance) | Comments |
Product Quality |
Product Availability |
Price |
Functionality |
Eco-Friendly |
Source: Foodservice IP Operator Interviews
Foodservice operators, fresh off the heels of a Covid-19 recession, are well aware of the dangers and therefore “freebies” like packaging, napkins, water cups, etc. are the areas too, where operators look to cut some costs. Some of the major cost-cutting responses are using less expensive material (foam v. paper), switching to private label or using other distributor sources.
Operators Still Look to Cut Packaging Costs, Where it Makes Sense
Cost-Cutting Measure | Comments |
Using Less Expensive Material |
Switched to Private Label |
Reduced Packaging Waste |
Distributor Shopping |
Source: Foodservice IP Operator Interviews
Foodservice Packaging Quality Will Remain Elevated
We hope this primer on takeout packaging helps give the food and packaging executive the insights needed to continue to push the critical message of high-quality packaging to operators.
Foodservice IP is launching a new study on takeout packaging. Click here for more details.
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