Foodservice IP’s Blog

Don’t miss our expert perspectives on these hot industry topics:

Will the Delta Variant Derail the Foodservice Recovery?

One data point we looked at closely at the start of the pandemic was the impact it would have on consumers. Would they return to a restaurant? Would delivery be an option, considering food is still handled by a person who may or may not have washed their hands?  ...

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The Beveridge Curve: Why Jobs Are Going Unfilled

The Beveridge Curve   The pandemic caused a lot of headaches for economists using conventional wisdom to counter the effects of a scarcity of labor and an abundance of job openings.    After visiting New York recently, a colleague told me he noticed...

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When Will Foodservice Return to “Normal”?

Wall Street analysts recently announced that nearly all U.S. restaurants will be open again on July 4, 2021. Analysts and experts alike believe the foodservice industry is poised to benefit from a pent-up desire to dine out, which has been restricted because of the...

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Happy Memorial Day! Then It’s Back to the Office, America.

This Memorial Day, we thought we would take a step back from our regular analysis of the U.S. foodservice industry and consider the broader perspective of many Americans returning to offices. After the last brat is burned on Monday evening and family you haven’t seen...

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The Colonial Pipeline’s Effect on The Restaurant Industry

The past year has been a textbook case on risk mitigation. “We never in a million years thought this could happen,” could have been shouted from a mountain top in March 2020’s economic shutdown - and nearly all of us would have agreed.   Not surprising, most...

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How Labor Shortages Are Altering Operator Strategies

A Tampa Bay McDonald's (Photo: Dan Nunn) Restaurants across the U.S. are desperate to hire as outdoor dining season begins, indoor dining restrictions lift, and vaccination rates trend upwards. The problem is, workers are not returning. While the industry lost nearly...

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Foodservice IP
875 North Michigan Ave. Suite 3100
Chicago, Illinois 60611