Foodservice IP’s Blog

Don’t miss our expert perspectives on these hot industry topics:

The Growing Focus on Foodservice Packaging

Packaging and disposables are not necessarily top-of-mind for consumers relative to other aspects of a foodservice experience. For that reason, the category is one that can receive less operator attention, particularly during the extended post-recession industry...

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Identifying and Managing Central Kitchens

By Julie Heseman, Principal, Foodservice IP Central kitchens have become a critical link in the foodservice supply and value chains. Convenience stores have considered prepared foods a priority, because of traffic and margin increases. Non-grocery retailers such as...

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Meal Kit Companies: Evaluating Long-Term Opportunities

Meal kits have quickly grown in consumer awareness and usage, with the arrival of Blue Apron in 2012 marking the first U.S. meal kit company. For roughly $60 per week, consumers receive three two-serving meals of their choice with easy step-by-step recipes at their...

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Trade Spending: Addressing the Elephant in the Room

By Tim Powell, Managing Director Background Trade spending, for most manufacturers, is the second-largest go-to-market expense after cost of goods sold, typically higher than the cost of sales and marketing forces combined. Yet many companies struggle to develop a...

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What a Rate Drop Means for Foodservice

By Tim Powell, Managing Principal Last week, the Fed dropped the interest rate a quarter percent to hit a rate target of 1.75 to 2.0 percent. What does this mean for foodservice? The business cycle which so many food companies rely on for growth is starting its...

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The Importance of a Digital Strategy in Foodservice

By Tim Powell, Managing Principal An online strategy is as critical as any business unit or corporate strategy in today’s market. Food companies, however, have often lagged behind other industries for a myriad of reasons. To achieve success, it is important to...

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Foodservice IP
875 North Michigan Ave. Suite 3100
Chicago, Illinois 60611